Monday, July 30, 2012

Lesson 5

It's been a very informative week covering online communication tools.  Being new to the education field, many of the sites we explored were new to me.  Looking at the local district AUP was interesting considering some of the ideas/concepts we talked about.  Blogs were mentioned in the social networking accounts.  I thought it was beneficial to look at some of the other posts in the AUP discussion board.  The posts I looked at had phone usage mentioned in the policy.  I thought that was needed in the policy especially in this age where it's easy to become attached to a personal device like a mobile phone.  I also think there has to be guidelines in place for phone usage.  I see the benefit like with the polling we've discussed, but it's also a distraction for personal use. 

The Scorsese video gave a director's perspective of visual literacy which was enlightening.  I like how he shared his childhood experience and how this type of learning impacted his life and career.  Some of the posts I read on the discussion board mentioned like the video did, about incorporating movie type videoing with students and how what they are showing is telling a story.  He emphasized how film and images are powerful and students should be taught to interpret and use. 

The consumer resources I looked at on PBS were great information for students.  The sites I looked at were geared toward younger kids, but the message of what we see in advertising may not be as it seems, was interesting even for a grown-up.  I liked the information on food styling for food advertising.  Let it be said anything food related is fasinating to me as a dietitian.  I also liked the Authur videos on media literature.  These are good resources for teachers and parents.  Just Desserts was one that caught my eye on the awareness of food marketing for kids and knowing which foods are actually healthy. 

The websites for Mapwing, Befunky, and Blockposters were all new to me.  We've talked about mapping some in class which has been interesting to see how others have used them.  These are sites I believe I would visit again for educational and personal use.  I have to say each week I'm amazed at all the sites out there for education that I never knew existed.  As a new MAT student, it's exciting to see what we are being provided with to have in our toolbelt as we go out to our own classrooms.  It's also exciting for teachers already in the field to enhance what they are already doing. 

The Technology Explorations this week also gave me more perspective on all the educational resources available.  There were a variety of resources I wasn't familiar with like Jing, Glogster, Spicy Nodes, and Prezi.  I'm glad I was introduced to them and the ideas they bring to education.  Most of the sites mentioned in the explorations gave ideas on how students could also use.  I liked how the Spicy Nodes could be used by students to study for exams so concepts were more memorable.  The Math Dictionary for Kids was also a great site I could see using in a classroom to make charts and graphs for learning.  The students could also use at home if available.  Handouts could be made that were colorful for young students to learn math topics.  The site was easy to navigate and look through.  You Tube is a site I'm familiar with, however the School and Teacher versions were new to me as I'm new to this field.  I thought the idea of teachers teaching teachers on Teacher Tube was very uplifting.  It's comforting knowing that there's so many resources out there for teachers, especially for those of new entering the field.  The fact that students could use these sites as well in their studies was also good to know.  I think whatever we can provide students to encourage learning is vital aside from just studying notes.  I seen how much education has changed since I was a student.  It's truly amazing!

In terms of the ISTE NETS, for this week's content I thought the indicators below in standards #1 Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity applied:

b.Engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources
c. Promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes

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